@GregAbbott_TX If you don’t take action NOW to close most Businesses this is the number of #COVID19 #Covid_19 Texas will have by August 3rd, 2020. If the Virus is allowed to continue to Spread in Texas especially all Hospitals will be full very soon in Dallas, Houston & Amarillo
@GregAbbott_TX Aditionally unless TX & Entire USA Doesn’t take immediate & strict action to Stop the Spread of #Covid19 it will be uncontrollable & we will have Millions more Cases &👆Deaths. What don’t you, Trump & his Repubs get about Economy not improving until the Virus (2
Cases decrease. People like myself & my family will not be shopping or spending any money for anything except essentials & we’re not alone the majority of People are doing the same. It’s crucial for you to understand that even if we had a effective Vaccine this afternoon we (3
Wouldn’t be able to manufacture, distribute & administer enough People to make a dent in the rising Cases. Therefore it’s up to the Leadership of our Nation to do what the Expert Physicians & Scientists have recommended to Stop 🛑 this Virus. Both CDC & NIH & every expert (4
Have all said we should STAY HOME 🏠 except to go out to obtain Essentials. They’ve said from the beginning everyone should be wearing Mask anytime they’re out or around others & must practice Social Distancing w/6ft separation at all times. They’ve said we must Wash our hands (5
with Soap & Water for minimum of 20 seconds to preview becoming infected. Clean items with A Bleach cleaner of simple Bleach & Water mixture because droplets can remain viable on some surfaces for hours to days depending on the type surface. Metal & Plastics hold onto the (6
Droplets for longer time. Experts have recommended we clean frequently used surfaces in our home like light switches, doorknobs & counters using Bleach cleaners. I know you know all the things the CDC & Experts have recommended but as we saw when you opened Texas your State (7
Hadn’t met the Guidelines from CDC & Trumps Task Force on Covid19 in fact the number of Virus cases were still on the rise. The Guidelines said the States must have DECREASING number of Virus 🦠 cases for a period of 14 days before re-Opening. If you think Trump will have (8
Your back on your handling of Texas re-opening you haven’t been paying attention to his behaviors. Even if Trump told you privately to go ahead & open, which I believe is what Governors were told, he’s never going to take any responsibility for re-openings too soon. Please (9
Stop 🛑 taking advice from a President who’s obviously unable to carry out the duties of a President & protect the Constitution. This President has torn up our Constitution & is becoming a Dictator. Why are you & others following him down a huge black hole 🕳? You’re chances (10
for re-election in 22 aren’t looking good & if you don’t undo the damage you’ve done by opening far too soon you definitely won’t get another term. Democrats will begin looking for the next Governor pretty soon. You must close Texas now to prevent a Disaster of Epic proportions.
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