Pakistan has NOT seen a big jump in new #COVID19 cases on June 30 compared with a month earlier on May 30; in eastern Punjab province, new cases appear to have gone down.
But does that mean positive cases are decreasing or does it hint that not enough testing is being done?
If one does a comparison of #coronavirus cases per million of Pakistan's population, one finds that overall confirmed cases have increased by around 4 times within the last one month! On May 30, there were 2983 cases per million, now it is 11,708. All regions have high cases/M.
Overall, confirmed #coronavirusinpakistan cases have increased by around 3 times within the last one month.
All data visualizations/calculations mentioned in this thread are based on official government of Pakistan figures, which are released every morning. Non-commercial use of these graphics are allowed with attribution to New Data Trends social media links.
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