Dads best friend came by..
They've been friends since they were 6 years old.
He had tears running down his cheeks and hugged me tight.
I told him 'Its okay..its okay'
He asked me if dad was in pain in his final moments, I told him no.
My dad would've shown that. I knew him well, and I had asked him that while he was struggling to breathe.
He said "no, it doesnt hurt anymore...."
The morning dad passed...

He'd had a good day the day before, alert, talked to the staff and his friends. I got back from work that evening and walked to his bed, he immediately reached out in greeting "hey Angel"
His arms so skinny but swollen around his elbows..
I said "hey dad, how are you today?" he said "good.. good. Better now that you're here. Do you gotta work tomorrow?"
I said No, I took the weekend off to spend the day with you.
He said " I'd like that" & smiled.
We talked that evening for hours til he drifted off to sleep.
I came down early the next morni g cos I heard him cough and struggled to breathe properly. I called his Dr, they told me to administer proper meds.
His breathing calmed a bit. But started up again after a while.. I asked him if I should give him more meds.. he said "wait".
My dad didn't want to be 'drugged off'. He had a morphine pump to press if neeeded but hardly ever used it. I assisted with any other meds he might require.
He kept saying "wait".
My mom saw his trouble breathing & started crying.
I called the Dr, told him to get there asap.
The Dr arrived and immediatly gave dad some helpful meds to assist the breathing.
I could see dad looking out the window and focused on his breathing.
I asked the Dr if it was time to call my sister..He looked at me and said: Yes.
I called. And put the phone on speaker.
Dad heard her voice and smiled..even thru struggled breaths. She told him she was on her way. He said "take it slow, I know how you drive".
He continued looking out the window.. His breathing more stable.
My mom sat next to him on one side, I was on the other.
I was about turn around to get him his scheduled meds when i heard his hitched breathing.
I turned back.. took his hand, he barely squeezed back. His pulse erratic.
I leaned over with my forehead to his and kissed him while I asked "Is it time? "
He took a few short breaths
and barely whispered "yes".
I kissed his temple, hugged him and kept whispering " Its ok dad.. I love you.. Its ok".
He took 2 more breaths.
Then quiet. His face went slack..
No heartbeat , no breathing.
I felt his pulse.. not there.
11.57 a.m. He was gone.
I know I sobbed. I know someone stroke my back..
I heard my sister walk in 10 mins later. She took one look at him and cried. We all did.
This wonderful man, devoted dad, best friend and good man was gone.
I looked out the window & saw a Red tailed kite flying across the sky
Its ok, Its ok..
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