okay how does CLAT being online ensure safety of students when it's still center based? truly shows how inconsiderate the consortium has been of students' concerns. First, a change in pattern which makes it extremely difficult for non-english speaking non-elite children-
-and now a last minute change of examination pattern?!
yes, crowd management and logistics are a big issue while conducting an entrance exam during these times, but what difference does an online center-based test make in this regard?
A last minute change of pattern adds to the mental pressure on young students, especially those who cannot/do not join expensive coachings/online programs that give them access to online pattern mocks etc.
one of the main reasons cited by the consortium is that an off-line test requires large scale movement of students to limited centers. Isn't it more difficult to find more centers that can host online exam in a fair, efficient manner, given the requirements of computers etc.
the only thing this would do is eliminate the need for printed question papers and omr sheets but I fail to understand how that helps when the examination is still center based and would involve students going to crowded centers.
#Clat2020 is inaccessible. It promotes elite, exclusionary culture in law schools. modus operandi is yet to be released but doesn't change the fact that consortium has been insensitive towards the student who is very hardworking but just doesn't have access to resources.
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