THREAD: CST’s #HateFuel report revealed how @Disqus facilitates thousands of antisemitic, racist & hateful comments on the video sharing platform BitChute. We're calling on Disqus to remove their service from BitChute and stop facilitating hate. @HopeNotHate @CCDH @ADL @SPLCenter
Disqus enables users to comment and reply underneath videos on BitChute, and other users to vote-up or vote-down those comments. CST’s report uncovered how Disqus is being exploited to promote hate, and in some cases violence.
The following tweets will outline a selection of just some of the comments that CST found. Warning: these tweets contains extremely offensive, violent and racist language.
“”Communism and Capitalism are just different sides of the same Jew stick!” Saint Adolf was right on so many levels”
“Beat it slimy k*ke”
“No Germany did not throw any jews into the oven, they certainly SHOULD have though”
“The jews must be exterminated to total EXTINCTION as its the only effective way for the jewish problem to be finally dealt with for eternity”
“Jewish roundup is going to become a national pastime”
“Another f***ot Jew in Hell. Good!”
“The biggest issue that our forefathers didn’t address was allowing these slave n****rs to breed.”
“True comment. N****rs are the lowest scum known to exist. Fuck all n****rs deport them all to your local zoo or Africa. God bless the great white race.”
“Lol, actually believing this sh*t. Not to mention, especially after even the Anti-White Media exposed the autopsy report of George Floyd dying by poor health conditions brought on by his Drug Addictions.”
These comments represent a tiny fraction of the overall quantity of this type of content facilitated by Disqus.
Disqus’ terms of service state that for users who violate their “basic rules”, they may, “in our sole discretion, revoke your rights to use the Service and terminate your account”.
The basic rules include “Targeted harassment or encouraging others to do so. Hate speech and other forms of targeted and systematic harassment of people have no place on Disqus, nor do we tolerate communities dedicated to fostering harassing behavior.”
It's time for Disqus to start enforcing their own rules and remove their functionality from Bitchute. Please share this thread if you think it’s time for @Disqus to take some action against the exploitation of their service. END
@ZetaGlobal @dsteinberg10000 @danielha @jasonyan
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