I am tired of this bullshit constantly coming up.

If you knew a single bit of queer history, or how homophobia operates, you would know how utterly ridiculous this argument is.

You’re being deliberately obtuse. Being bi doesn’t stop your ignorance https://twitter.com/streamciear/status/1277424675023396864
I’m going to lay out some facts here. These are facts. They are not debatable. Please read this. Understand queer history. And then, kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP
1. Lesbian did NOT mean “women who ONLY love women” or “women who are not attracted to women”. If you don’t know that, please read more about the lesbian separatist movement. @LoShearing has written on this
2. Bisexual people HISTORICALLY operated under “Lesbian & Gay”. The community was often referred to as “Lesbian & Gay”, not LGBTQ+.
Bisexual people were part of the “lesbian & gay” movement and often used the labels themselves. These terms were umbrella terms and largely still are (gay is continually used in an umbrella way)
3. Bisexual people HISTORICALLY did not use the word bisexual. Why? Because they were often met with extreme levels of biphobia from their own community
Search up some of the old community centres. They often had policies that EXCLUDED bisexual groups from their spaces and even held biphobic discussions and talks. @bihistory has info on this
So that’s the “hiStOriCalLy” covered. So let’s NIP THAT in the bad until you pick up a history book and can show me otherwise. Let’s move on to how homophobia works
4. Homophobia does NOT hinge on the lack of attraction to a different sex. Whether we’re talking historically or not, that is NOT how bigotry operates.
Homophobia, like any bigotry, hinges on “othering” a person. Being bisexual doesn’t reduce your queerness. Doesn’t make you more palatable. Doesn’t gain you acceptance
Being bi does NOT save you from being called a fag or a dyke. If you’re holding hands with your same sex partner, if you’re displaying rainbows, if you’re presenting yourself as queer...to them, you’re a fag/dyke
Responding with “oh I’m bi” will NOT save you from that. You are STILL a fag/dyke to them! And if you’re showing queerness whilst with a different sex partner, you aren’t somehow safe. It just opens you to biphobia instead
Visibly queer men with a different sex partner will only get abuse hurled at them for “faking it” or being “secretly gay”. Even the partner will get abuse, e.g. “why are you dating a fag”
Visibly queer women will get a similar experience.

You have to understand that the distinction between our labels DOES NOT MATTER TO BIGOTS!!
Now, put down this fucking slur discourse, pick up a FUCKING history book and do something PRODUCTIVE with your time to actually fucking help the goddamn community instead of causing infighting
If y’all put an OUNCE of energy into the community that you did into spinning up inane discourse, we’d all be better off!
Correction: women who are not attracted to men

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