One of the most important skills a man in today's world is to know how to identify drama queens in the shortest time possible.

I think another very important skill to have is to know how to remain single for as long as possible. It takes just a rape accusation to ruin you
It isn't just about remaining single anymore. You also need to master abstainance from sex. Remain celibate.

I am not even sure that will protect you 100% because someone you've never met before can just wake up and accuse you of rape and the whole world will call for your head.
Because one moment you are advocating strongly against sexual assault and someone is by the corner hating you because you have so much opinion about sexual assault.

And then they're cooking up stories just to teach you a lesson so that you will learn how to shut up. Crazy
I think the scariest part is that the story itself doesn't need to have any substance. They just need to mention your name and rape in the same sentence.

And then random anonymous accounts send DM to the original accuser corroborating their story, sharing their own "experience."
It is indeed a scary time. We've gradually spent the last couple of years empowering this maddening culture and it will come for each of us.

Tomorrow might just be your turn, or the turn of your brother or the turn of your son. The chicken always comes home to roost.
While you are here, please patronize my friend if you are in Abuja and have deliveries to make within Abuja.

I am just here praying that when he becomes VERY successful, someone doesn't come out of the blue to accuse him of rape from 50 years back. The usual format
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