Is child marriage allowed in Sanatan Dharma?

Sanatan Dharma does not support child marriage. An unmarried learned daughter should be married to a bridegroom who like her is learned. Never think of giving in marriage a daughter of very young age.
In मनुस्मृति 2/6 Maharishi Manu said:

वेदोऽखिलो धर्ममूलं स्मृतिशीले च तद्विदाम् ।
The entire Veda is the root-source of Dharma, also the Conscientious Recollection of righteous persons versed in the Veda, the Practice of Good (and learned) Men, and their self–satisfaction.
Vedas are the final authority in case of "Dharma". There is not a single mantra in the entire four Vedas that supports Child marriage. Not even give a hint of supporting Child Marriage.
What does the Veda say about the age of Marriage?

A girl is married at १६ or more years of age, when her physical development is complete. Vedic rituals presuppose that the married pair was grown up enough to be lovers, man and wife, parents of children.
The age of marriage for a boy is २५ years or more and that of a girl is १६ years or more. But the best age to get married is after ३६ (especially for men) and to understand this you must know the power of Brahmacharya...
As in Vedic Bharat people were following Brahmacharya for १२ years that was one of the reason the reason of Brahmacharya Ashram, when a child gets to age of puberty he/she should to be ब्रह्मचारी for १२ years.
Puberty normally start around ११ n frm there his/her Semen starts secreting and after १२ year of his ब्रह्मचर्य his semen become very strong and give some mystic power also to the person and again after १२ years his semen become more strong after that much of hardcore ब्रह्मचर्य
चित्तिरा उपबर्हणं चक्षुरा अभ्यञ्जनम् ।
ध्यौर्भूमिः कोश आसीद्यदयात्सूर्या पतिम् ॥

These go to show that a girl was married after she attained puberty. Surya was married to Soma, only when she became youthful and yearned for a husband.
Atharvaveda in Brahmacharya Sukta (11.5.18) ब्रह्मचर्येण कन्या युवानं विन्दते पतिम् ।
“A girl after having completed her studies and after having fulfilled her pledge of celebacy finds a youth as a suitable match for her.”
In this mantra of the Brahmacharya Sukta of the Atharvaveda states that the girl attains a young husband by living a life of brahmacharya. In this mantra, there is a provision for the woman to marry a young husband, which proves the prohibition of child marriage.
The Rig-Veda refers to young maidens completing their education as brahmacharins and then gaining husbands. The Vedas say that an educated girl should be married to an equally educated man.
आ धेनवो धुनयन्तामशिश्वीः सबर्दुघाः शशया अप्रदुग्धाः।
नव्यानव्या युवतयो भवन्तीर्महद्देवानामसुरत्वमेकम्॥Rig Veda [3.55.16]

The Brahmcharinis who are youthful and have studied in childhood all the science, have married a suitable husband enjoy happiness and gladden all.
Young women of the time could exercise their choice in the matter of their marriage. "The woman who is of gentle birth and of graceful form," so runs a verse in the Rig Veda, selects among many of her loved one as her husband. The term for the bridegroom was vara, the chosen one.
”The happy and beautiful bride chooses (vanute) by herself (svayam) her own husband". The swayamvaras of the princesses are of course well documented.
In the Rig Veda 10/183 Sukta, the bride and groom are talking about producing children together. The bride and groom are saying that the son is a work, that is, you want a son, that the bridegroom says to the bride that you are a son,
that is, you want a son, so together we can produce good children. The desire to have a son, that is, a child, can be born only in young men and young women. Small children and girls cannot have it.
Similarly, in the Atharvaveda 2/30/5 also, the mutual young man and the woman are meeting each other and saying that I have met both Patikama i.e. husband's wish and this thou Janikam i.e. wife's wish.
Husband and wife may wish to be wished only in young age, small children and girls do not have this desire. These evidences prove that Vedas do not support child marriage.

|| कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम् ||
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