Couldn’t happen to a crappier company faster. Once I was a very small time, part time travel agent while working a full time job. I was also a single mom homeschooling a special needs child AND directing a choir. I invested my incredibly hard earned & very little $ in...
@Facebook ads. Actually it was a lot of money in relation to what little I had.

And what did I get in return? Constantly bombarded with messages from Facebook on how I had to do more more more! I had to keep paying for every tiny thing! And I got absolutely zero return on
Then I started reading about how the big players that got all kinds of deals and breaks & analytics. Facebook ‘s system was absolutely geared for the big money advertiser, as well as designed to milk as much money as humanly possible out of the two bit players.
They couldn’t have cared in the least that I was squeaking by on the income I had as it was, and I was risking everything on a hope and a prayer that an ad we could increase business.

So they start hitting me with ads saying give us more money to brighten your reach. So I did.
And steal their ads kept coming to me saying please this thing will give you this more outreach or we’ll boost it. Answer, I got a little bit more traffic and folks but that didn’t translate into sales. To which I’m sure you’ll see that it was my fault for not closing.....
It was rather challenging working a full-time job, and another part-time job, and homeschooling my son by myself, and directing a choir, and attending tons of after hours mandatory work meetings, and meeting with clients individually at various Starbucks.
I guess Facebook thought that I was some big time travel agent with the limitless budget to constantly boost and promote for an extra fee all my ads.

No sliding scale for the very very small business owner.
Meanwhile, the big players out there? They were getting all the benefits & so much more from their massive add budgets for Facebook.

And at the end of the year I would look at how much I spent on Facebook ads & die.

Especially when there was so very little return on investment.
Here’s the really sad thing: in the end analysis, I could’ve kept on killing myself working all those jobs to try to be a successful travel agent so I can quit all those jobs and do one thing.
In the end, it was all the money I wasted on Facebook ads that ultimately made the decision for me to stop being a travel agent and kill my business.

It was an expense I just couldn’t keep up with.
You would also think that Facebook would have figured out that their actions toward me & my small business really put a bad taste in my mouth for ever wanting to deal with Facebook again as an ind. user.

On top of their invasion of my privacy and selling my data constantly.
And do you think they cared about that? Nope there was always another small business sucker in @markzucky’s world.
So I bet I am certainly not the only very very small business owner who is hearing this news today and on one hand, I bet they’re feeling like I am that it couldn’t of have happened to a crappier company.
On the other hand, I am eternally grateful for advertisers in companies who are holding @Facebook accountable, and to @StopFundingHate.

I just really really wish I could have all that money back that I gave to a company I didn’t have my interests or my back at all.
A note: if you see any misspelled words or typos in this thread I apologize. I have a voice disorder as well as a progressive muscle disease and that is affecting my speech to text and typing. Please have patience and I apologize.
AND I really do want to get a very very big shout out gratitude to all the companies that stood up and said enough is enough to @Facebook. That stood up to say enough is enough for inciting hate and for profiting off of our privacy.
And again I apologize for any misconstrued words and even for that one inappropriate word up there. I wish there was a speech to text program they could hear and translate this dysfunction in my voice.
And hey @Jack. I know you’re probably waiting until we finally get rid of @realDonaldTrump to implement some changes that need to be made on @Twitter.

However, this thread highlights the need for people with disabilities using speech to text or with limited fine motor control
To be able to edit the text for clarity.

I get it: forcing people to say what they mean carefully the first time is a good thing.

And that your are preserving a record of @realDonaldTrump’s Historic use of Twitter.
That’s a very admirable and brave goal.

However, as you can see how many miscalculations @Apple’s Speech recognition software made and you didn’t even see the ones I was able to fix, you can see how difficult that would be for someone with physical challenges.
And as I am navigating a brave and scary New World, I’m paying more attention to the little things like that that most people just don’t think about.

And I’m not sure if anyone has pointed this out to you, Apple and @Microsoft @BillGates.
Are constantly for an editing feature in Twitter goes unheard, or heard and ignored.

You might consider @Jack and @TwitterSupport They are also users with disabilities who were spending so much energy that we really don’t have constantly trying to use fingers and voices that
don’t work like your system thinks it does.

Perhaps there was an app that could be created specifically for such people to give them a different access for editing not readily available to the common user if you’re not gonna let everybody edit.

Perhaps that would be a solution?
You can follow @Ace_in_Tx.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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