So the @I_W_M sees fit to barrel ahead w. £25 yoga classes in the atrium & publicly defending the act from scrutiny.

Visitors will only be offered context for controversial exhibits with a voucher for a free tour at a later date.

Why is this a problem? /1
#museums #heritage
"We are aware that these objects represent sensitive subject matters and will ensure they are treated with the utmost respect."

"Tickets to Yoga... include the chance to return... for a tour of the site to learn more about our collection items and the stories behind them." /2
Look at this promo shot.

The car was blown up in Baghdad, 5 March 2007 by a car bomb which killed 38 people. 38 people.

The V-1 and V-2 were built by slave workers, many of whom were later murdered, and launched against British cities to obliterate civilians. /4
Lets face it, people are going to want to engage and record their experience.

Without any context of the cultural and historical backdrop to the activity. IWM feels it's fine this comes later.

It isn't. /5
Deeply questionable selfies gained massive prominence at Holocaust memorials/sites & people were rightly criticised, although it's always hard to tell how people will engage with such challenging, disturbing and provocative sites & narratives. /6
In accepting the V-1, V-2, and wrecked car as acceptable backdrops for yoga - and offering appropriate context afterwards - the IWM is frankly setting up yoga customers for abuse and harassment online.

But no dramas: context will come later. /7
Let's face it, yoga in IWM's atrium isn't really appropriate and it's remarkable that they are digging in deep to defend it.

But the IWM doesn't care about it's users, potential for uproar, nor it's collection.

Revenue must flow. /thread
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