anyone remember when "True Choice Recordings" tried to release Kraftwerk's 1 and 2 for #RSD2020

they went so far as to buy the domain 

and set up some social media
if you were to look at the followers, who that account is following and then see who they have in common it's a safe bet that one person is who Kraftwerk should be having a word with.
this was a bonus find during investigating something else.
Disco Matto were on bandcamp. 

They had their page removed.
this links to a re-issue label that "officially licensed" a lot of things that people pay an arm and a leg for.
They say "officially licensed"
They're not.
more on that when the proper channels have done their bit
anyone familiar with "Machine Gun" by Commodores ?
this might sound familiar then
and yet it's on there, and there and there.

Who is getting the money from all that ?

Not Lionel Richie and friends.
on youtube there are three instances of the same recording all with different phonographic copyright holders and none of which being the ACTUAL recording artist and title.

These were all provided to YouTube by a legal distributor
anyone familiar with the sleazy disco classic that is "Walk the Night" by Skatt Bros ?
over on it's credited as:
Walk the Night
by Skatt Brothers
(David Fernandez, Richie Fontana)
Published by Yankee Trax (ASCAP) / Skatt Songs (ASCAP)
Courtesy of The Island Def Jam Music Group under
license from Universal Music Enterprises
so you'd think that the forthcoming #RSD2020 issue of this would be licensed from Universal Music Enterprises ?


but it's on Bandcamp and #RSD2020 !

well, yes.
Just not officially licensed.
wait a minute...
isn't the man from True Choice also part of the label on Bandcamp that is releasing all these re-issues ?

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