CW: Transphobia and white supremacy

For those who don't know, Intersectional feminism began with a black feminist scholar Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in 1989. Intersectional theory asserts that women are often disadvantaged by multiple sources of oppression: their race, class...
...gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ability, & other identity markers. For example, a woman can be Black, working class, disabled & transgender, & so her personal experiences within the Intersectional feminist framework means that she experiences discrimination..
across several axis of oppression at once. More so than say a white, working class, able bodied cis woman. Intersectionality is the framework by which we highlight these disparities in lived experiences & understand that not all women r treated equally when it comes 2 equality.
Transphobes, as you can see from the screenshot, are not fans of intersectionality, largely because of it's inclusivity, it's focus on the smallest minorities (Black transgender women being the most marginalised). Intersectionality is also an affront to white supremacists for...
it's focus on minority groups of colour. Black women and other WoC again, being the most marginalised and the way it was designed to highlight the actual lack of real equality that these women have by comparison to their white counterparts. The intersectional framework allows...
feminists a more focused lens to prioritise needs. So as you can see, Intersectionality is good actually...unless you happen to be a supporter of the white supremacist patriarchy, obviously. Transphobes HATE intersectionality and you'll often find attempting to discredit...
intersectional feminism as their intentions are to segregate and abuse trans women, remove their rights as human beings and remove any trace of them from society. These are the goals of all transphobes. Make no mistake, their intent is "elimination" not integration.
Clarification: When I say "Intersectional feminism began with Crenshaw", I mean Intersectionality as feminist theory. Intersectional feminism as a movement. Black feminists have been discussing the intersections of oppression 4 as long as black femnists have existed.
Ironically (or perhaps not), a feminist movement isn't deemed an actual *mainstream* movement (technically Intersectional feminism has been a black feminist movement for decades) until white feminists become aware of and invested in it. Funny how that goes eh?
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