welcome to the purge game, i am your narrator. this is a thread made specifically for this game. (open thread for more information)
it's probably obvious, but in this game, there will be a murderer and their associate(s). every 5 minutes, a player that is chosen by the murderer will be killed, and they must put a ❌ on their dn.
there are 23 members.
-?? murderer + associate(s)
-21 citizens + associate(s)
-the narrator is the admin of the gc. they must pick a murderer + associate(s) and will give vague hints towards the citizens.
-the murderer will pick who to kill. the associate(s) will help the murderer pick + cover up their identities.
-the citizens will try and figure+
+out who the murderer + associate(s) are. they will be given a google doc on who they think it is + why and the one with the most votes will be kicked out(their role will also be revealed)
GOODLUCK! this thread will mainly be used for hints + reveals.
ADDITIONAL: if the citizens win, they will get to pick a punishment for the murderer + associate(s) and vice versa.
FIRST HINT: they have an emoji in their bio
You can follow @fokuruodani.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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