why the bi/pan label is harmful (from the perspective of a non-binary bisexual)
1. disclaimer: i will include how it’s harmful to lesbians in this thread by linking what actual lesbians have said about it so that i’m not speaking over them :)
2. lesbian discourse on bi/pan lesbians https://twitter.com/sapphicraptor/status/1277696878612807680?s=20
3. it is enbyphobic: most b/p lesbians use the argument that “they’re attracted to women and non-binary people but not men”. this is extremely enbyphobic because it makes it seem like non-binary people are women lite by grouping them with women when male leaning +
+ non-binary exists. another problem with it is that it forces non-binary people into a gender trinary, basically saying that non-binary is a singular third gender when it’s not. here’s a carrd with more information on what the non-binary actually is https://nonbinaryidentities.carrd.co/ 
4. it’s biphobic: another reason people say that they prefer the bi lesbian label is because they have a lean towards women. this is invalidating the bisexual label because bisexuality have always included preferences and saying that you need the lesbian label +
+ to express that is hijacking the lesbian label as lesbians can’t be attracted to men.
that is all i can say on this as a non-binary bisexual BUT here is a very helpful thread :) https://twitter.com/luvrhye/status/1277630343877722112?s=20
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