Wow that depression is kinda… kicking me hard in my guy right now...

Working the past 2 weeks straight, came home to spend literally hours doing simple chores and showering, then only getting to sit down NOW and realize I need to sleep in like... 10 minutes...
… Only to go back to work tomorrow and finish preparing for my summer job that requires a lot of planning and coordination due to newly established health and safety policies that- while for the betterment of our work- also make our jobs 10x harder...

I'm so exhausted...
… Unfortunately, this will be a constant routine of one job during the weekdays and another during the weekends. No days off. I get July 3rd (this Friday), and nothing else for the month of July...

I'm glad to be working again, don't get me wrong, I'm just also very tired...
I've been drawing a lot and having so many things I wanna write... but things are gonna get hectic starting this week and I... am really just not feeling too good...

It'd be nice to at least have ONE day a week... to recover... or something... but I'll get over it in time...
Sorry for the onslaught of depressing tweets. I imagine I'll lose a lot of followers after this thread... I just needed to get some stress off of my chest. I'll delete this in a little bit...

Sometimes, even if it's ignored, just getting it out like this is enough for me...
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