I don’t know what are people expecting both of them to answer. Do you think this is a joke? Do you think this is something you can just casually admit on a random interview? Do you think they’ll risk their relationship like that? What they have is serious and serious means (1/4)
It must be kept between the two of them! At least now. Do you guys really think it’d be easy on them if they admitted something? IN THE WORLD WE LIVE IN? do you really think that the whole “fandom” will be like “ah okay lovely”? DO YOU know the amount of close-minded,(2/4)
homophobic people that still watch bl and ship couples? Do you think MewGulf would risk their careers like that? What is between two people should be kept between them, and if you don’t understand the signs, if you can’t read between the lines (3/4)
or see the genuineness of their actions, their care towards eo, the way they’re always there for eo, the way they look and smile at eo, I seriously have nothing to tell you. Anyone with eyes and a heart should be able figure it out themselves.
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