Bars in Los Angeles opened about 10 days ago and nearly 700k people flocked to bars. These bars have now been closed as cases rocket and hospital beds fill up. Well that's they want you to think.

Lets look at the data: All hospital beds Los Angeles - No pick up at all.


Beds used for Covid has seen a slight pickup. Not sure the definition of suspected Covid buut it seems confirmed Covid bed use has increased. But there's a few issues. First it looks like this trend started either at the same time or before bars reopened.

Daily Tests have increased from between 60-80k per day just before reopening to now more than 100k. If you test more, you find more cases (many asymptomatic and harmless). This also means more people at hospitals can be classified as confirmed Covid.

And here is the growth in cases and testing over the course of June. Almost identical.

I think it's safe to say that so far all these people going to bars has not caused an issue. Yet just like Leicester in the UK bars have had to shut because of more testing
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