Ini baru ye discussion.. u've efforts to find the thruth.

1.Bila baumeister tolak sepenuhnya? Sama cam aku. Understand this "not always fallacious"... that's mean korg je suka suki tuduh semua org main victim blaming fallacy
2. sila fhm 2 benda kt sini victimology n criminology
3. in victimology, there's victimology precipitation. Yg ni kita duk discuss b4 goes to VICTIM BLAMING

>Active precipitation... Victimization under this theory occurs through the threatening or provocative actions of the victim...
4. Victim Precipitation is Not Victim Blaming
>Despite the protestations of some, victim precipitation has departed from its early bonds, and is no longer an attempt to understand what Schafer [3] calls “functional responsibility”.
This alignment with victim blaming is not helped by some of the studies such as Amir [6] which revolved around sexual assault where it is often viewed that a manner of dress or behaviour is seen as a sexual invitation.
5. So, jgn pernah kata aku fitnah kat baumeister. Bukan hanya aku, ramai lagi pakar criminal psychologist kat luar berpendapat yg sama. xbermakna mereka rape apologist. Victim Blaming only applied at certain times, not all the times.
6. inilah aku ckp geng korg hidup dlm bubble/impractical. doesnt know how this world works.. sampai bila pun usaha kjaan xberjaya nk reducekan rape case ni.. sb ko xbg kerjasama.. baca balik thread aku, policy must goes in two ways to bring high impact.
tahu pun xselamat .. tapi ko masih nk 'goda' (sexy/gedik/etc) dgn org luar sana...

korg ni idealitic, ur argument has no ground. We aint live in Utopia.. kat utopia ko bagi pisau kat pembunuh pun dia xbunuh ko.. just educated them, mrk terus insaf
8. Criminology > causation > sociology >SCT

Social Control Theory
Social control theory assumes that people can see the advantages of crime and are capable of inventing and executing all sorts of criminal acts on the spot—without special motivation or prior training...
9. criminology > crime of opportunity

aku rasa dah panjang lebar kat bincang kat sini. korang tu, terlebih obses dgn wording "victim blaming" uol very very real MVP...

So korg masih stand dgn rapist cukup dgn hukuman n nasihat? no need a conducive envrm?
10. ni sal outlier - tudung pun kena

dah paham
a) Criminology
b) Crime of Opportunity
c) Conducive Envrmnt - the catalyzer
d) Victimology
e) Victim Precipitation

then korg leh bt kesimpulan sdr.. knp Islam menitik beratkn ttp lubang kejahatan smp ke akr
11. criminal mind

haha.. berani dia samakan criminal mind tgk otak dia berfungsi

1)Rapists were found to have head injuries (3.9%) in a large sample in Sweden,[4] and sadistic rapists have shown abnormalities within the temporal horn...
2) ....analyzed psychiatric diagnoses in an in-patient Swedish sample of 535 rape offenders discharged from Swedish prisons. The most prevalent diagnoses were alchohol abuse or dependence (9.3%), drug abuse (3.9%), personality disorder (2.6%), and psychosis (1.7%).
3)Several studies show that rapists experienced multiple early life adversities such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, and dysfunctional family relations

if awk ada mental health camni.. leh la ckp, sy cukup je dgn nasihat n hukuman je...
12. Betulkah org tudung pun bukan outlier..

>>>Clothing Conveys Sexual Interests and Attitudes
In a 1984 study... Males were more confident
than females that see-through blouses, low-cut tops, tight jeans, n not wearing a bra suggested a desire for sex
13. please... dont argue if just only used fallacy and a loose statement... this will not bring anywhere... I wrote this thread only to find an objective truth... nothing more, nothing less... trying to build a constructive criticism, not a gender warrior
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