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Boy Erased is a 2018 American biographical drama film based on Garrard Conley's 2016 memoir of the same name.

In the film, Conley's character is named Jared Eamons. The names of other characters based on real-life people were similarly changed for the movie.
Main Cast:
Lucas Hedges as Jared Eamons
Nicole Kidman as Nancy Eamons
Russell Crowe as Marshall Eamons.
In the movie, Jared Eamons is the son of Marshall Eamons, a car dealer and Baptist preacher in Arkansas, and Nancy Eamons, a hairdresser. In high-school, Jared was well-adjusted and happy, although he breaks up with his girlfriend upon starting college.
In college, Jared became friends with Henry. While staying the night in Jared's room, Henry rapes him & confesses that he has done the same to another young man. Jared goes home to recover. Henry calls Jared’s parents posing as a school counselor & outs Jared to keep him quiet.
Jared cannot lie to his father, so he is sent to attend a Love In Action gay conversion therapy assessment program in Memphis, Tennessee. Jared agreed to go
because of one HARMFUL idea in his childhood - all LGBTQ people were somehow predators, and he didn’t want to be that.
At Love in Action, therapist Victor Sykes tells the group that their sexuality is a choice influenced by poor parenting. He has them perform "moral inventories" of themselves and their families & requires them not to tell anyone else about what occurs during the sessions.
Jared gets to know others in the program, also trying to become straight. Some are so into conversion to the point they refuse to even touch other men. Others pretend that therapy is working so they can be released and return to a normal life.
Jared lets his mom read the program handbook, which is full of pseudo psychology and grammatical errors.

At one point, Jared, challenges Sykes when the therapist says that Jared hates his father. Jared runs out of the room, and calls his mom to pick him up.
His mom is ashamed that she allowed her husband to enroll their son in an unvetted program without researching it first. His dad remains adamant about Jared remaining in the program, but Mom overrules his wishes.
Four years later, Jared is in NYC with his boyfriend. He wote an article that exposed the truth about conversion therapy. Jared tried to get his dad to read the article and take accountability for his actions.
“Conversion therapy has been rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health organization for decades, but due to continuing discrimination and societal bias against LGBTQ people, some practitioners continue to conduct conversion therapy.” https://www.hrc.org/resources/the-lies-and-dangers-of-reparative-therapy
20 states have laws prohibiting conversion therapy, however, Missouri, where I live, is not one of them. This is not a campaign thread, but I am here to tell you that in March of 2020 I testified against a bill where the only expert witness was a conversion therapist. Shameful!
Boy Erased was nominated for and won several awards.

'Boy Erased': 'It's Crucial That It Plays Everywhere' – Variety. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7008872/awards
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