I thought about just sub-tweeting this but fuck it.

Rarely have I seen a pathologically lying, goalpost moving scumbag like this.

WHO the fuck experiences SA/Harassment and then, after coming forward attaches a ransom note like that, clearly designed as a threat?

hint: NOBODY https://twitter.com/JesseNeon/status/1277436491250180101
It's no secret that I like Jess and consider her my friend but even then or rather especially bc of that I went in on this with the benefit of the doubt. We believe survivors, even if we don't like them.

But this? Fuck this. This is so calculatedly self-victimizing, I'm baffled.
So in case you weren't keeping tabs of all the bullshit he's pulled so far, give me a little run down:

1) In response to not being paid, Jesse lied and said the work never got done
2) When called on it, he lied and said the work was late

3) When called on THAT, he lied and said the work was of substandard quality
4) When told that didn't make a difference, you signed a contract, so pay her, he tried to make the excuse he didn't know the costs of the book when he signed it so it shouldn't count.

5) When told "that's not how contracts work, you're legally obligated, pay her, he claimed he didn't have the money
6) When shown screenshots of him celebrating how all the costs of the book were done and he was excited spend money supporting indie artists and buying products,...
...he pivoted and refused to pay "Unless Jess apologized for defamation and libel in public"
7) When Jess refused, he threatened her with legal action.
8) Upon discovering he had no basis for doing so, he staunchly still refused to pay
9) Upon learning that he loudly refused to pay his freelancers, the Canada govt decided to not renew his work contract. It is ONLY at this point that Jesse paid out the FIRST set of royalty payments to Jess.
10) Since that point he has not gone a week without subtweeting her in some fashion. She has not left his mind.
11) Last week, he started talking about how Jess has ruined his reputation with publishers. People said that with Black Lives Matter movement going on,....
....maybe this wasn't the time to make the movement about him.
12) Less than a week after that point, a rash of confessions of sexual assault/abuses come out. It is at this point that Jesse claims JessPak assaulted him.
So taking all of that into consideration I have to say:

FUCK YOU. Jesse. Fuck you for hijacking the ripples of smth super fucking important to blackmail (if not by law, definitely by intention) into getting off your back bc you didn't feel like honoring a freelancer you hired.
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