The General Consensus is that Social Media Bullying is bad But if you put your life out there and someone reports about it in too much honesty that you find offense n hire a bunch of University students to make her lose her job while masking it as a fight against bullying yet you
literally had a show of 30 full minutes judging people n inthulting their outfits,Came out and publicly exposed the Salaries of your former work mates (That was good but it could have been done better) and just last month you insulted someone's dead Mother to win an argument
At that point you lose the right to lead a campaign against Bullying in any state of Time it's like asking Parental Advise from an abortion expert Bullying can't be ended with a single hashtag because where do we draw the Line between Freedom of Speech as provided by the...
Constitution and "That ego which can't handle too much honesty" as provided by Gashumba and Unidentified Accent(I will keep saying it until it catches on)
If I say Outta Brian isn't funny Am I bullying him or just being honest that someone pushing 50 shouldn't be doing Tiktoks..
comedy is subjective but Cringe isn't Dear Influencers Personally am not fighting you, Am fighting the double standards in you.Some people are mad because they basically made you,You tricked them into follow trains n u never followed back but they kept quiet..
however average your content is n am not saying average because I have good content but because atleast I have read tweets from Soldier ,Geno etc so I have a taste of what good content is,Always swallowed up when you played that victim card,Gave u retweets for chicken,shoes..
,held you to a very low standard to the extent that one of you blew up after body shaming a Friend of mine n it was considered funny, these very people retweeted your gigs,sided with you during The Fake rape claims,Subscribed to your YouTube channels bought your Irish Potatoes..
came to your parties,Hired you to clean their houses however exorbitant your prices seemed but if you now decide to side with Gashumba a Bully who met her match then that following is really blinding you from reality And that "Show me where I said Tina should be fired" is just a
bad excuse as it doesn't explain the payments you posted everywhere And let's call a missing tooth Edibbu and not akazigo atleast 80% of y'all traded Privacy you should have had in your lives for a Twitter following which in the long run becomes a gold mine for Bullies
The issue is not whether Tina lost her job or not,The issue is that you helped her lose it if she lost it yet she has living kids to take care of ..Keeping a baby is A bit hard in this economy and some of you know better. Nice Time
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