I'm so fucking horny for bugmen. I want to fuck a coffee-guzzling pronouns-in-bio "vote blue no matter who" retard in his wispy moustache mouth. I want to cum all over a soyboy with thick frame glasses and a receding hairline. Everytime I hear a THICK, lootcrate t-shirt clad
braindead silicon valley dipshit say "boop" or "heckin" or "fuckwaffle", I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to him and manhandle his funko pop collection. I want to pour my white olive oil onto his complete lack of cheekbones. I want to finger a bugman through his skinny jean
s while pretending to be interested as he talks about chuck wendig and BLM and pickle rick and why VR is the future of gaming and gentrification and podcasts. IM SO. Fucking. Horny
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