Were you ever trying to #SaveTheFire or were you just upholding your cozy little white cishet man’s world so all of the big, bad marginalized supporters don’t have a place in it? #cf97 #cffc
All everyone wants to talk about is the history and what you did 10-15 years ago, but let’s *really* talk about the history of our community, who it has excluded (if not far worse), & why we are where we are today.

Nelson has only been around since 2015. What’s your excuse?
How has this gone on for so long? Do you know how many women and queer supporters have felt like they’re alone and unprotected? How many of us no longer attend matches? And those are just the community members we know. What about those who went to one match and never came back?
What about those who never even attended a single match and wrote our “community” and/or the entire sport of soccer off because they were warned of the environment we have created and upheld for over two decades?

You complain that no one is in the stands. Ask yourselves why.
Just call me a cunt again, it’s fine 💋
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