info bellow !!
hello! this account is for people to send in their diary entries!
what do you mean? anyone can send me a diary entry via email! the entries will be completely anonymous and you can send in all types of entries (good, bad, etc.)
how does it work? you write your entry and send it to me! you don’t have to sign your name (you can use a fake name, put your first initial, or even not sign, but since these will be anonymous don’t put your @). then i will be randomly picking entries to read and share on this+
+account! also, like i said they’ll be anonymous so when i share them your emails will not be shown. another option is to dm me your entries but if you don’t want me to know your @ i recommend emailing them.
what’s the point? the point is for people to see what other people are going through and know that they’re not alone. also, whenever i post an entry everyone is free to reply with advice so whoever sent the entry and people with similar situations can be helped.
!!important!! if there’s a lot of entries they probably won’t all be posted, and if an entry is in any way triggering i will be putting trigger warnings so don’t worry about accidentally reading things you don’t want to read!
if you have any questions i didn’t answer in this thread please dm me !!!
and finally, my email is [email protected] so feel free to send your entries!!
You can follow @stantwtdiary.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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