for each like ill give each mcyt stannies a piece of advice
skeppy stans: shut up and let skeppy do what he wants to do with his channel
bbh stans: learn to realize that not everyone is gonna like bbh
a6d stans: learn to hold a6d accountable when he fucks up
technoblade stans: stop acting like techno is perfect, he was literally in a mc tournament hosted by a racist
F1NN stans: f1nn dressing femininely doesnt give you the excuse to sexualize him
dream: stop attacking sleepytwt, youre white boy aint perfect either
george stans: just because your white boy is okay with being shipped with dream doesnt mean people are okay with you shipping him with dream
tommyinnit stans: keep on fighting against the sexualization of tommy, yall doing gods work
sapnap stans: stop acting like yall are "better" than dream and george stans because you stan "the third wheel"
cscoop stans: people, or specifically black people, are uncomfortable when you are open about stanning him. stop complaining about that.
schlatt stans: same thing goes for cscoop stans but it also applies to lesbians because hes used the d slur before
wilbur soot stans: similar to george stans, but just because wilbur is "okay with being sexualized" (whatever the fuck that means idk) doesnt mean people are going to be okay with you being public about that sexualization
ph1lza stans: i havent really seen any issues involved with you except for like a few of you bullying other dtream & trio stans,,, so like maybe stop that
ted nivision stans: learn how to distinguish madi as a musical artist and not just teds gf
megapvp stans: stop pressuring mega to do a voice reveal
im_a_squid_kid: some of yall treat squid like an extension of technoblade. stop doing that, hes his own content creator.
traves stan: stop babying travis, he's a grown man.
quackity stans: i find it funny how yall were calling alex "daddy" when he was underage but as soon as he turned like 18-19 yall started calling him "baby"... yeah wtf is up with that??? also quackity locals stop being racist and misogynistic
team crafted stans: move on.
im gonna do some repeats now too cause i got more to share
a6d stans: stop attacking the neurodivergent when they bring up that white boy said the r slur. instead, listen to them.
skeppy stans: stop attacking preston plays, yall look childish as hell.
dream stans: stop attacking the neurodivergent when they bring up that white boy defended the use of the r slur. instead, listen to them.
sbi stans: stop bullying dteam twt and triotwt, theyre literally our stantwt siblings
nsfw mc stans: find a new hobby, like sewing.
bbh stans: "people can be uncomfortable with a content creator" and "hating on a content creator for things they cant change about themselves" are two statements that can and should coexist
triotwt: summer of 2019 will never come back because skeppy, bbh, and a6d have all grown significantly as content creators since then. move on.
mcyttwt: ever since team crafted there hasnt been a professional minecraft youtuber group that has stuck together forever. its okay if ccs go seperate ways. change is good.
mcyttwt: its okay if people dont like the same ccs as you. that type of diversity is healthy, the harassment isnt.
mianite stans: move on.
everyone: its okay to take a break from twitter. take as much time as you need.
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