i've been educating myself and researching about the Palestine issues, about the past, present, and what's about to happen in less than 4 days. i also saw a thread about all the 'zionist' or 'pro-israel' celebrities who need to be 'cancelled'. +
but, honestly, that's should be the least of our concerns. right now, palestinians are on verge of losing their homes and being displaced, and what we all CAN do, is donate and watch videos which are fundraisers. get educated, and honestly, question our countries' education +
systems about WHY haven't we've been learning about these pressing issues in our classes? we are supposed to be the future of our countries, then why should we not be educated about the OBVIOUS issues which need to be learned about and collectively come up with solutions +
to help the affected and do our best. it's honestly so sickening to see all the wrong that's happening right now, but i am really really proud of all of us, we've been doing our best, at least the best a mere 13-18 year olds can do. +
we've been signing petitions, talking about the issues, spreading awareness and doing the needful and promise to continue to do so until each and every issue is addressed and everyone gets the justice they deserve. all this will not happen in a matter of days or months or maybe +
not even in the near future, but we should keep doing what we can so everyone gets justice sooner than later. thank you for reading, please spread this, keep educating yourself, be a responsible human being.
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