I’m in an insane Facebook Christmas group and they are gearing up for Christmas in July. I haven’t been kicked out of the group yet, but I’m trying very hard. A THREAD
After the whole Rudolph vs. Biff debacle, I tried to move on to another one of my favorite holiday films.
People are starting to get angry. I thought this one would for sure get me kicked out, but I’m still in.
I was trying to figure out a classic I could play with to possibly get them even angrier. I think I cracked it, but everyone keeps telling me that it’s not Biff It’s Rudolph. I’ve moved on, but they haven’t. I’m still in the group...For now.
I couldn’t help but want to bring up Braxton Werthers again. People are still pretty up in arms thinking I call Rudolph, Biff, and aren’t even engaging in the Braxton Werthers debate.
I still am not kicked out of this group so I’ve started to kick up the crazy a little with one of my favorite movies Ruben! People are still dead set on making me think that Biff is actually named Rudolph, but I’m not going to let them win.
I had to give it some time to see if anyone engaged with me about the other movies. Everyone is hellbent on Biff. I’m trying to center their focus of kicking me out of the group with my DVD choice.
I’m throwing a Hail Mary on this one. People in the group love the Polar Express, so if I start attacking it they might kick me out. The group had 6 different watch parties of The Polar Express last Christmas season.
I’m still not kicked out. The group normally overlooks 90’s Christmas movies, so I’m hoping to ruffle their feathers a little bit with this one. This one was a trilogy!
Good Morning everyone. All good things must come to an end. I woke up this morning to find that I was kicked out and banned from the group. Thank you all for going on this journey with me.
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