The pandemic will be uncontained for the foreseeable future, and global warming—also uncontained—endangers humanity and wildlife worldwide.

Yet everyone’s bickering about the same things over and over. Myself included. It’s all noise.

So. Much. Noise.

We can’t go on like this.
I’m sorry. I know I’m not my usual self.

I live to be helpful. Helping others has always been my primary motivation in life (often to my own detriment, so I’m not saying this is necessarily a good quality).

But I don’t know how to help right now. More than that, *I* need help.
The human suffering in this country alone is about to accelerate and will likely reach levels we haven’t seen since the Great Depression.

People on here don’t talk often about it when their lives go sideways, but—with tens of millions of jobs lost—we know evictions are starting.
Millions are jobless, will be without healthcare, and, soon, will be homeless as well.

During a pandemic.

A pandemic seemingly being managed in such a way by the GOP leaders in this country as to lead to the greatest numbers of infections and deaths possible.

This is insane.
And where are the Democratic leaders?

People need IMMEDIATE financial relief NOW. Anything that can be done to prevent homelessness MUST be done. But it isn’t.

It isn’t even being DEMANDED.

I want our leaders with their hair on fire SCREAMING right now.

That’s not happening.
Instead, we get the condescending admonition just to “vote” from Dem leaders living in multi-million dollar houses who spend more on grooming than many of us can afford to pay to feed our children.

And we DID vote.

Those of us who could. Those of us who weren’t disenfranchised.
Do they have ANY concept of how much suffering is going to happen between now and November?

If the answers is yes—and it might be—I want to hear them BEING OUR VOICES.

Because many of us are on the edge. Some of us might not make it.

But simply knowing you are seen CAN help.
I want @SenSchumer, @SenateDems, @SpeakerPelosi, and @HouseDemocrats to GIVE VOICE TO OUR PAIN AND FEAR.


To those reading this who are—as I am—living on the precipice:

I see you.
You are NOT alone.
You matter.

I only wish I could do more.
If the elite can’t deal w the simple ask that police stop killing Black people, they don’t seem to understand what’s coming down the pike if they don’t recalibrate the economic system so people can support themselves and maintain even the illusion of a role in our own governance.
If you don’t believe me, maybe Robert Reich can make the point.
You can follow @leahmcelrath.
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