Before I close shop for the umpteenth time, I want to write a thread on ordinary people doing heroic gestures, daily. My he/she/theyroes.
First, let me tweet about @megaholt. I mean, you can't have a stronger person. This person is a nurse who's got levels of courage one could find in one's superheroes. We're in good hands, but we need to protect our front liners. If they're broken, we'll be.
@LiteraryDates. Never have I seen a more patient lady. A saint, Lauren is. Plain and simple. What's heroic is that she's accepted to play along with my incessant nickname projects. And she's also a front liner (but this is like her Diana Prince persona. Shhhh!)
@agnesbookbinder. Working in the public sector with all the redtape and the cuts and other wonderful things one can (or cannot?) imagine may be tiring. Yet, Agnes shows up every day, for the sake of those we often forget. I salute that.
@Solidchick4life. Raising children is a challenge. Raising them while alone and hoping for better things for oneself is like climbing the Rockies while facing a snowstorm. Not many people can do it. This person can.
These ladies are among the ones I admire. I'm not sure this thread gave them enough justice, though. They deserve a lot more praise and recognition, in my opinion.
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