so whose ready to hear a story about the coolest (and best) dicking down i’ve ever had?? it sounds like something you’d read in a fanfic istg
so this around christmas time. i was on break from university and just vibing in my apartment. my roommates had all left to visit home. i live close enough to home that i can just drive over and visit whenever, so i wanted to vibe in my house until then.
i’m horny. i have the house to myself. que me scouring grindr for a suitable gentleman. i come across this absoulte PRETTY BOY with a jock body. i could not fathom how this amazing combo came to be but i was loosing my marbles. que me shook when he returns my horny energy-
-but in the hottest way possible. with humour. he’s SOO fucking funny, i physically laughed out loud at the shit he said to me. we agree to meet up at this little bar/club a few blocks away from my house! (photo that i took that day, in case y’all wanted to see the OOTD)
(sobbing because i looked like SUCH a twink before i shaved my head and grew my chin hairs ;v;) so i meet him outside and OOOOOF i was so not prepared for how tall he was. and it seemed he wasn’t either LOL. when we greeted eachother the FIRST thing we joked about was how-
i look like a child next to him. I only reach to about his shoulder. anywho so we get inside and we dance a LOT and i argue with him about how i MUST pay for my own drinks. i told him “i’m not looking for no sugar daddy!” we’re leaning against the bar top, waiting for our drinks
and he laughs at what i said. he had a nice deep laugh and it made my brain mushy. were facing eachother, faces pretty close together, and he leans over and half-whispers in my ear, “i didn’t ask to be a SUGAR daddy.” and i can feel my face burning because i am all talk-
and almost no bite. i act like a brat but the second someone challenges me i melt. I laugh nervously and swat at his shoulder. when we finally get our drinks, he scoops my hand up and drags me to the dance floor.
we dance and dance and our legs are all tangled together, hands on each others hips while or other hands hold drinks. this man cracks jokes all night and i couldnt stop lauGHING i was like SIR STOP. the club had these little section that were like little walk in closets,-
but with a couch on each wall. and the front wall opened up to the dance floor. so we got tired and wiggled over to one of the couches. i took my shoes off and set them beside me (my feet get sore really easy) i pulled my legs up and curled my knees into his thigh. he was-
sitting sort of sideways, his arm up on the back of the couch so he could prop his head up and look at me. we sat and talked like that for a while. and at one point he got quiet. i said “what??” and he was just staring at me. i was starting to get embarrassed about how close our-
faces were dndjncjdnf and then HE SAYS “you’re so fucking cute. like really cute. sorry, did i happen to mention you’re cute?” and i went AHHH and said “omg stop that or i will have NO CHOICE but to fight you right now and curb stomp you in front of all these people.” and he-
nearly pissed himself laughing. and after his laughing fit he looked at me again and murmured “fuck,” and then i was gunna ROAST his ass but these BIG hands grabbed my face and pulled me in FOR A KISSSSSSSSSS
and i remember i slapped my hands on his chest (a little hard because i was surprised) but we kiSSSED and i remember it got this shiver but the shiver felt like heat rippled through me?? when i felt his tongue run across my bottom lip. and when he pulled away i sort of-
opened my mouth a little take a shaky ass breath and he dove back at me but now we were all tongue and teeth and i was pawing at his chest a little to let him know i needed to BREATH. and when he finally let me breath he laughed at me and said “you get really red really easy.”-
and i was like “listen my guy it’s the ginger genes, i literally cannot help it.” and he said “can you get redder than this?” and literally said “AHHH (name) YOU GOTTA STOP” but like.. in a playful way yknow i’m sayin?
so he laughs again, and says “but you don’t really want me to, do you?” and i get REAL quiet real fast because i’m too.. embarrassed.. to say.. he’s right.. i’m such.. a weenie..
and next think i know, he slides his hands under my armpits and hoists me up and over into his lap (and i feel like a child and therefore am more embarrassed) i slap my hands down on his shoulders (such.. big shoulders..) and laugh nervously!!
he sets his hands down on my hips, fingers wrapping around enough that his fingertips were like JUST starting to be on my ass yknow?? and i remember i was wiggling my toes because i was nervous and also i for whatever reason was like ‘damn i need to put my shoes back on’-
-and i wanted to perish because i started to think about it and i felt like a dumb ditsy anime girl who moans at like ANYTHING so i vowed in my brain to be quiet or DIE..
but he HEARD IT and i knew he did because he smiled at me so BIG and dug his fingers in a little and did it again. I slapped my hands on his shoulders again but this time i pushed myself back so i was leaning away from him as far back as i could.-
i said “we are SO in public right now, like the most public of all public and lowkey i am sweating about that.” and i was genuinely anxious because i have this weird thing about people staring at me in public? i just don’t?? like it?? so he’s super cool about it and sits up so-
we are face to face again and says “i’m sorry, i got carried away.” but he says it with a smile like he’s not sorry and idk why that just HIT ME right in the no no square. we’re just breathing against eachother now, and he’s staring at me like he’s waiting for ME to decide-
what’s going to happen. so i say “we should go.” and he laughs again and says “we should.” i get so HORNY because he grabs my shoes and puts them.. on my feet for me.. like he’s grabbing my calves and feet so tenderly.. and then we YEETED out of there.-
i’ve never walked so briskly before. he kept talking to me the whole walk back to my apartment like nothing was going on and we were just being chummy while i could barely use a single braincell to think one thought.
he looked at me and grabbed my hand and stopped me in the middle of the street. ( it was like 2 am and i live in a neighbourhood area so we could walk in the streets ) and he said “ you haven’t said much since we left, are you okay? if your nervous we don’t have to do this.”-
and i squeezed out a really fast “i have a small brain and can only do one thing at a time and right now i’m so horny i can’t use my brain to converse properly so please PLEASE just keep talking at me and i promise i’m listening.” he blinked at me once, really dramatically.
he laughed, and slapped his knee. he WHEEZED. “fuck- okay, lets get going then. I’ll tell you about about random domestic shit until we get there.” which he did. i learned about his job, his dog, the university he’s going to and several other tid bits.
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