E.U.T. 👬
- a thread

EUT = Everyone United Together 👬
The first thread where all of us #BrightWinMoonLights contributed.

This thread is about the Rainbow and what lies behind it. 🌈
#BossKiddoTheorizer #MegaTheorizers 😎

#ไบร์ทวิน #bbrightvc #winmetawin #BrightWin #PrideMonth
#BrightWinMoonLights is a group of fans dedicated to make threads/tweets for positivity in BrightWin fandom.

Not all of us do threads but we have a GDM where we discuss and brainstorm about things randomly about BrightWin.

Hope you love our project. 🌈
@bbrightvc @winmetawin
In a 🌈, there are 7 colors. In this thread, we added 3 more. Wait for it. 🙏🌈

@meimeelai @Real_Danaya @hahappiest @MyNameizPope @tellmeitisreal3 @brightwinizreal @DrewQuebec @claudbuenavist @WinChicChic @lovetine099

Want to add also these photos Bright liked days ago. 🌈
RED - @meimeelai

"BrightWin, in this elegant RED outfit, singing a song with passion is on a whole other level."

"Of all fires, love is the only inexhaustible one"

- Pablo Neruda

Bright and Win have been through a lot but still their love for their fans remain superior. Also, the love of their bond can't be untangled by anybody else. A bond that will stay forever.
ORANGE - @Real_Danaya

"Someone said, ORANGE is a color for Liberation from heartaches and inner insecurities. To channel ORANGE is to be truly free and to be the real you. That's how BrightWin adopt this color."

ORANGE has very high visibility that's why it's used to catch attention easily.

People nowadays effortlessly attracted by their undeniable charm brought by their tandem. So just like Orange, BrightWin attracts EVERYONE.
YELLOW - @hahappiest

"The sun shines towards those who needs it. The sun that keeps on shining when there is darkness. A light like BrightWin always shows us."

In the rainbow flag, YELLOW symbolizes for Happiness & Optimism.

In the middle of this pandemic BrightWin become our source of happiness.

They're also cheerful & energetic couple that brings fun and joy to the whole world that makes our day extra BRIGHTER. 💛✨
GREEN - @MyNameizPope

"GREEN is the color of nature and generosity. BrightWin's generosity towards Nature is admirable."

"Always with you bro"
- Win Metawin

"Let's Walk Together"
- Bright Vachirawit
BLUE - @tellmeitisreal3

"BLUE as clear as the sky and the sea."

"BLUE which is part of the 🌈 flag is the only color which maintains its own character in all its tones, it will always stay BLUE.’
-BrightWin and BrightWins-
INDIGO - @brightwinizreal

(it's kinda hard to look for photos for color Indigo of BrightWin 55555)

Bright has posted Indigo by Niki before. This perfectly suits BrightWin as Indigo. This song is about how far someone can go. Not specifically by love or any thing. We've been part of their journey. And we all know BrightWin can go further. Let the indigo go.💜
VIOLET - @DrewQuebec

"Roses are red, violets are blue. If BrightWin is a color, violet can be good too"

"The VIOLETS in the mountains have broken the rocks."
Just like BrightWin, there may be haters and obstacles along the way, but let me tell you this -- THEY WILL ENDURE AND GET THROUGH OF IT.
BLACK - @claudbuenavist

"Wearing BLACK is a Lifestyle. And BrightWin brought that to life when they launch Astrostuff and Velence."

BLACK symbolizes stature and prestige. BrightWin has earned their way to international stardom because of their hardwork and passion in whatever they do. Their high esteem to colleagues and mutual respect to seniors pedalled them to greatness.
WHITE - @WinChicChic

"WHITE is the color of a paper. It is the base before we write. BrightWin is our base, our roots, our foundation, our strength."

"WHITE is the beginning of everything. As we all know, 2gether is their first BL series. They have opened the BL world to the international audiences. This is also where it all started. Just like WHITE, they are considered to be the color of perfection.
GOLD - @lovetine099

"BrightWin Stays Gold"

"It's that heart of GOLD, & stardust soul that make you beautiful."

- R.M. Broderick

After the rainbow, after all the darkness, there will always still a treasure at the end of it. A pot of gold. A pot of success. A pot of contentment. A pot of happiness.
The Month of June is considered as the PRIDE MONTH and we know both of them supports the LGBTQ+ community. #Pride

Disclaimer: this is not to sexualize them but it is to spread their love with these colors. This is also a hettiquette to open the eyes of the community.
Whenever we see a rainbow, we see hope, happiness, love and glory. BrightWin shows these things in every single day they take. Rainbow is also about journey. And at this moment, that journey is walking together with BrightWin.

BrightWin is our pride, and we are proud of it. 🙏
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