Things I Learned in June:

Thing No 1-
Using speech the left don't like is actual violence but burning down buildings; mass looting; rioting; physically assaulting and even killing people in the name of #BlackLivesMatter , is just protesting, bro.
Thing No 2:
A drug-addicted, convicted felon who held a gun to a pregnant women's belly during a home invasion is a hero who must be honored.

The people who created the Nation, fought against slavery and were the first in history to formally abolish slavery, are racist monsters.
Thing No 3:
The best way to fight racism is by erasing anything to do with the past as if it never happened but white people must still feel guilty about past slavery that they themselves, abolished.
Thing No 4:
In Democrat cities the mob has 1st AND 2nd Amendment rights but you don’t.
Thing No 5:
Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Thing No 6:
Self-defense is White privilege, don’t be racist by allowing yourself to be attacked/killed with minimum interference.
Thing No 7:
The deadliest virus ever seen and one which has cost $TRILLIONS, is only infectious so long as it hurts Orange Man Bad otherwise it’s fine.

Questioning this is racist and makes grannie die, so don’t do it.
Thing No 8:
ABSOLUTELY no one with a functioning brain is buying this bullshit and President Trump is certain to win in a landslide AND carry the House & Senate with him.
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