Gun violence, a THREAD

1/ For over a decade, I’ve been a staunch police reformer and advocate for gun safety legislation in Seattle and beyond. Portraying gun violence as an issue caused by the existence of #CHOP distracts us from discussing the root causes of gun violence.
2/ This is an epidemic w/devastating impacts on Black/Brown people in every major city, including Seattle.

Tragically, we lost another life to gun violence over the weekend with another young victim critically injured. My heart hurts for the victims, their families + friends.
3/ I disagree with any attempt to politicize these shootings and use them as a justification for @SeattlePD to move back into the East Precinct after SPD made the choice to leave the building.
4/ Gun violence is NOT unique to Seattle, but it IS uniquely American.

Here are some facts:
5/ 📌 No other industrialized country allows gun violence at this epidemic level:
6/ 📌 Most cities experience high rates of gun violence despite strict local laws and the presence of few, if any, legal gun dealers within city limits.
7/ 📌 The majority of guns used in crimes can be traced to legal purchases in more affluent and less diverse jurisdictions that have looser regulation of firearms.
8/ 📌 Gun violence creates ongoing stress and fear for Black communities, in particular, and it is shown to cause PTSD for Black children at disproportionate rates. PTSD in children negatively impacts their development physically and emotionally.
9/ 📌 Gun violence also results in DIVESTMENT from impacted neighborhoods and communities. This reinforces the dire economic and social conditions that often spur violent crime in the first place.
10/ 📌 Studies show that access to firearms remains too easy for individuals who are at high-risk for committing gun violence.
11/ 📌 It is a myth that "bad guys will always find guns”

Restricting supply chain+reducing access to guns HAS impacted a decrease in gun violence. In Milwaukee, a "44% decrease in all new, trafficked guns to criminals" was tied to a dealer who stopped selling inexpensive guns.
12/ Policy change has been difficult in this space b/c of loopholes and delays in action advocated by powerful lobby groups. This means most guns can be legally obtained yet end up in the hands of those who should not have them.
13/ In other words, the NRA and gun lobby intentionally fuel gun violence in Black + Brown neighborhoods that results in overpoliced Black + Brown communities.

(and yes, I know me naming this will likely result in threatening emails, phone calls, RTs, hints of violence my way.)
14/ ➡️ BUT, as we’ve seen, over-policing ≠ more safety for Black + Brown communities

➡️ Over-policed communities still feel unsafe because of gun violence and aggressive law enforcement resulting from Broken Windows practices.
15/ Gun violence is best prevented by investing in communities to *prevent* the conditions that give rise to gun violence: poverty, the lack of social and economic security, and the lack of positive opportunities and activities for young people, especially Black and Brown youth.
16/ The over-policing of these communities paints Black + Brown youth as perpetrators, rather than impacted community members. This reinforces the #schooltoprisonpipeline.

We MUST reject this reflexive attitude which is perpetuated by systemic racism and white supremacy.
17/ But these are not impossible issues to solve. We have tools at our disposal to fix the systemic problems.

We must:
➡️ Right-size law enforcement agencies;
➡️ Make deep investments in the safety and opportunity of Black + Brown lives;
18/ (solutions cont.)
➡️ Advance stronger gun responsibility laws at the state & federal level; and,
➡️ Stop the irresponsible, profiteering nature of a dangerous gun culture & the firearm industrial complex
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