I'm just going to start live tweeting "The Shooting Star is Coming Through ( UK )" because it is awful and I feel the need to rant
You know you're off to a great start when the first line is extremely monotone
Maybe it's just me, but the "stream" in "streamlining" sounds...off. What do you think?
The second line of the chorus? Appalling. Monotonous, little to no emphasis on any words, no enthusiasm in his voice at all.
By far the greatest Thomas musical sin of all time, the way Gordon sings "blue." Give me one good reason as to why this is ok. This isn't triumphant because his tone in depressing. This isn't cool either. You just sound like a fool
Why'd he give up singing at the last word? He was sounding pretty awesome, then he just reverts to speaking the lyrics
Why is "under" emphasized like that?
I'll give credit where credit is due, I much prefer Wickham's singing here. He sings at a range that is comfortable, and sounds great! :)
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