My fave funny, unproblematic YouTubers that u should watch instead of any of the trending trash asses rn:
1. WeebyENT - So fucking funny. I found him from his rating racist tiktoks series, but he games and has a Podcast too.
2. 24 Frames of Nick - Hilarious movie commentary, usually shitty movies or beloved childhood staples.
3. Books are my Social Life (Saajid) - a booktuber from Trinidad who always has FIRE recs and is also super funny and has great analyses of books
4. Cari Cakes - absolutely beautiful, stunning angel living her best life in South Korea doing cool vlogs of local bookstores and restaurants. Always makes me feel calm and like i'm walking around with a friend
5. chanelletime - another booktuber I recently subscribed to who is also hilarious.
6. D'Angelo Wallace - originally followed him for his art a while back and then his channel morphed into commentary on wack things that happen on YT or elsewhere. A+ hot takes
7. Eddy Burback - commentary on weird movies and shows from childhood and other random topics.
8. Emily Ewing - one of my fave vegan youtubers - shes's so chill and does challenges like cooking only what's in her freezer and makin really simple recipes and also has great commentary
9. Gus Johnson - best good friend of Eddy Burback and they often do videos/podcasts together for double the laffs - similar content and some more sketch-related stuff
10. Jarvis Johnson - another commentary-ish channel because apparently I love when the tea spills - but Jarvis focuses more on weird phenomenon like weird accounts on IG
11. Kat Blaque - commentary, sex positivity, LGBTQ+ issues, and so much more
12. Kristen Leo - vegan, sustainability, calling out capitalist pigs... her mind!!!
13. Pop Culture Detective - One of my fave channels ever. Video essays on toxic masculinity in media and what it normalizes.
14. Pretty Much it - Jacob and Eric, one of my fave duos. They do movie commentary tracks and I die every time
15. Rachel Ama - another vegan cooking channel bc why not!!! Rachel makes yummy Caribbean food, curry, hummus, southern food, literally anything omg i'm hungry
16. Sarah Hawkinson - a mix of sustainability, horror movie commentary, and mental health topics!
17. Some More News (Cody Johnston) - My face news source
18. Trin Lovell - another movie commentary channel. She always makes me die laughing
And I didn't add like Danny Gonzales, Drew Gooden, Cody Ko, and Kurtis Conner bc everyone knows those dudes but I love them
Also realized I deviated from the "funny" aspect of this thread in some of them BUT OH WELL
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