It was deeply flawed, certainly doomed by its vacuousness, like so many grandiose but spiritually bereft civilizations before it.

Still, to live through a society's sunset is a hard thing. Like a life at dusk, even full and well-lived, it always seems too early for darkness.
I think it's still better to live in these gravely "interesting times" in the full of life than to have left this world in a state of illusion, bequeathing my progeny only my error and leaving the fight to begin building again to them alone.

No. We live and fight together.
It would be better to think of every day from now on as a fight to build our new world instead of a struggle to preserve the old. That one is gone.

This world is an illusion, of course, but the end of the cycle reveals the truth more harshly than most of us can handle.
There is no hope without God's revealed truth, folks. Everything else is moving around the deck chairs.

If you don't have a link to the Eternal, none of this matters anyway. And if you do, none of this matters either -

but knowing that there is more than this is everything.
God gave us this world to build, and to build on.

Those who hate Him and His mission for humanity know only destruction, and they crave it. It comes in many forms - some seemingly quite benign.

Surprise! They're not.
But, whether by day or night, we remain obligated to build again. A very small light dispels much darkness.

And much darkness is the order of the day.

But, as it is every day, so is the seeking, the casting and the warmth of Light. <>
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