Okay! Time for that list I talked about: Stuff that I hate!
- Racists
- Zo*philes (pro-c and those who are proud of being one)
- P*dophiles (and all their dumb labels, same sitch as the zoos)
- Tr*mp and his supporters
- "Slurs are not bad, they're just a word" type people

- Edgy people who can't read the room.
- Abusive people (physical, mental, emotional)
- Those that get pissy about getting corrected for using the wrong pronouns.
- Finding out someone I support is one of these listed things.
- People who say "It's just a joke" after getting the response they weren't looking for.
- Phobics (homo, bi, pan, trans, aspec, neopronoun, enby, and any others I missed).
- Negative generalized statements/opinions.
- Exclusionists ("you're not oppressed, so you can't be LGBT!")
- Parents who don't support their children after they come out as LGBTQIA+.
- "I'm too old to learn about anything LGBTQIA+ but I'll be pleasant". My mom said smth like this -_-
- Those that just looooove freedom of speech (saying whatever), but then get mad at the consequences.
- Those who are at fault, but then pin the blame on something that has nothing to do with the situation or another party who have no power against the faulter.
- No warnings on jumpscares, excessive violence, gore, blood, etc. And I mean, where you're not expecting to see it.
- "I don't care about your crowd of opinions, even if I am in the wrong. Gonna make a echo-chamber and block all of you now" type people.
- The "not so easily offended" people who are when it comes to something they dislike, like the ol' "pronouns in bio" peeps.
- "I'm not racist" but then focuses more on statues and buildings instead of police brutality and disproportionate killings.
- Or the "I'm not racist" but defends the Confederate flag/has it up somewhere.
- The ones that randomly bring up Obama after an opinion about Trump.
- Awful people that attach themselves onto good things with no regard and ruins it (the furry fandom, specifically artists and makers know this quite well 😔).
- Unwelcomed comments. More specifically, suggestive/sexual comments on SFW posts/art.
- Unconstructive criticism.
- "Shouldn't have posted it in the first place if you didn't want people stealing it", "your art isn't protected by anything", "I'm gonna erase your watermark so other people can steal it", "even though you own the character, I'm gonna copy/steal and use them anyway" type people.
- People complaining about other people's bodies as if the person they're complaining about doesn't know or hasn't heard it all before already.
- Art policing, when it's not in regards to a character's age, harmful beliefs that are put into a positive light, and proven tracing...
... (Specifically like art style theft, color palette copyrighting, pose "policing", and etc.)
I might add more to the list later, but that's the end for now.

My feelings vary with each one, but still fit within the hate category.

Also, this stuff's mostly relevant to Twitter and other online affairs...
... There's alot of other things I hate that don't relate, stuff that I just don't like, and stuff I've probably forgotten about.

Also also, I added reaction images to each point in case you see this thread in your TL all broken up and without context!
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