Three flowers walk into a bar. One is red, one is yellow, and the third is a head-less stalk. The red one waves the bartender over and asks where the washroom is.
Colin Wright walks into a bar carrying two empty boxes. The bartender asks, "What are those for?" Colin answers, "Sex is binary."
(Judging from the likes, the above joke isn't as popular. I still like it for its curtness and absurdity. I was playing with other versions, too.)
Colin Wright walks into a bar carrying two big, empty boxes. The bartender asks, "What are those for?" Colin answers, "They're boxes for binary sex. There's no sex outside these boxes! Though, probably, not every human will fit in here."
Oh, I like this one.

" @JohnSeaborn, I HAVE BEEN THERE. I need you to imagine a sandwich that has relish and a burrito that has salsa. You could put salsa on the sandwich and relish on the burrito, but only AFTER you fully understand what a sandwich and a burrito are!"
This thread is turning into my creative writing venue for the day.

"Like many, Colin is confusing the attractiveness of lycra and leather with attractiveness itself. In my essay on binary-wheel transport I discuss this directly."
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