This week our state & school district are making decisions about the school year.

My kids & I are high risk, but I’m a single mom. I’m beyond exhausted. My kids have IEPs that can’t be met by remote learning.

It might not be safe to return, but it isnt safe to stay home either.
I’m managing okay, but I can’t function at this level indefinitely.

I miss having a husband to share the parenting load. That would allow me to have more options right now. But nearly a year ago, 347 to be exact, he died, the man I never thought would die, not before me.
I liked my life a year ago, before the beach, before the wave, before the ICU, before he was dead.

I’m learning to love this life, as I grieve the one from before.

There’s a before COVID and an after. But that’s nothing compared to before/after Lee for us.
I’m not asking you to solve my problems. Many of you are trying with comments telling me what I should do.

I’m not surprised. It’s easier to offer a solution, even without knowing enough to know if it will help, than it is to offer empathy and say “I’m so sorry this is life.”
June 10, my first birthday without him.

June 18, should have been our 15th anniversary.

This week, education plans from the district and state.

July 18 will mark the end of our before.

July 19 will be a year dead.

July 27 will be a year since we buried him.

Then, school.
Some of you have asked how to help, and kind words and absurd news pieces and well-timed GIFs are all welcome.

I’m a simple lady.

But if you’d like to do more,
• shannon@shannondingle for GrubHub or DoorDash
•my wishlist
•Venmo Shannon-Hope-Dingle
I have my M.A.Ed. in special ed, my B.A. in Interpersonal & Organizational Communication. I survived sex trafficking in my teens & abuse until I finally cut ties with my family in January 2016. I have a book coming out in the first half of 2021.

I’m a badass, but this is hard.
We will survive.
I’m not giving up.

I have the resources for mental healthcare for all of us, me & my six kids, most who witnessed their father’s fatal accident.

I just need y’all to know that school decisions are complex. It only seems simple through the lens of privilege.
You can follow @ShannonDingle.
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