I'm gonna need everyone to stop what they're doing.

Last week Providence had a mini-riot that concerned citizens were blaming on ANTIFA, which is very clearly not a real thing, but that's another topic entirely. Anyway, Providence's precious mall was vandalized & looted.
"Dangerous criminals! Thugs! Anarchists!" the people of RI mumbled as they scrolled through their phones. It was a particularly terrifying time in RI as this was just on the heels of a donut shop eliminating a cop/military discount. Dark, dark times, my friends. Scary times.
Well today some people were arrested for the looting of Providence Place Mall. They are from a group called Waraq, and I know where you're thinking, not THAT Raq...its a wordplay on Warwick. It's like Warwack but cooler I guess, idk. Anywho. https://twitter.com/StephMachado/status/1277725420478226432?s=19
I know what else you're thinking: "I've never heard of that division of ANTIFA before, how scary" but don't worry, they're not ANTIFA [it's not real.] They are a rap group who have hits on youtube in the tens of thousands. And they mean business
They are like an awful car crash that you so desperately want to peel your eyes away from but it's so earth-shatteringly traumatic you are frozen in shock forced to observe every second & detail.
I realize now this should've been a blog post but it's too late for that. I'm not gonna sit here and crush these dudes but ohhhhhh man this is happening in my backyard, well maybe their parents' backyards, and I had to share it with the world.
This video right here is art https://twitter.com/emelectrix/status/1275414007181164548?s=19
Bow down to your new Tiger Kings.

Its hammer time.
Everyone please hide their gurlfrendz and wivez because its dinnah time and Waraq is hungry
Hoooooooold up. WARAQ has a rival! This dude apparantly got kicked Waraq (Warwick+Iraq) & made his own group called Cranganistan (Cranston+Afghanistan)

Someone please start a rap group called Woosyria or Central Fallujah
When that one dude came out of leaves I absolutely lost it 😂😂
Is that a homemade Wes Welker jersey?... I'm just asking the questions
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