I have seen so many tweets saying 13 year olds should not be on this app, and i disagree. Most of the main agument was they shouldnt he exposed to the toxicity on this app. Second they agured that they are plainly to young, and again i disagree, here’s why,,,
(((( THREAD ))))
First off, stan twitter may be toxic but so is life in general. You have no idea what these kids have been through and you have no idea how toxic and hard their life off this app is, this might be the only place they have to talk about things openly.
If you try to make the fact this app is toxic a reason they shouldn’t be here well your most likely pretty ignorant.
Stereotyping that every 13-year-old is immature and has not had real life experiences or traumas is absolute bull crap, most 13 year olds on this app have already experienced the toxic side of Twitter in real life.
So saying they shouldn’t be here because it’s toxic is stupid, if it’s so toxic to you then you can leave. Plus life isn’t all puppy’s and rainbows for a lot of kids, some were forced to grow up and become mature a lot early then others.
Next, “they are just to young and it doesn’t matter how mature they are” Actually is does, like i said some kids have gone through hell and back and grew up faster then others. Some 13 year olds on this app have done more activism for blm then any adult i’ve ever met,
some of he 13 year olds on this app act like what adult should. I’ve seen 22 year old people on this app start more drama then 13 year olds on this app ever have.
Now yes, some people shouldn’t be on stan twitter, but that doesn’t mean just 13 year olds. a lot of adults and older teenagers shouldn’t be here, because the way they act not the year they were born.
maturity does matter, being mature for their age counts to something. Don’t ignore that. You can’t say a 13 year old kid should be kicked off this app, even thought they act like an full grown adult and are completely unproblematic, just because they are 13. that’s bullshit.
Stop stereotyping people because of their age, just because you were uneducated and childish at 13 doesn’t mean everyone else is.
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