Sup, twitter? I’m back from my hiatus (if you can’t tell from the fact that my name is still “santa sav”) to say FUCK these USF rapists, every. single. one. Proud of the women telling us their stories. You are doing hard things that will help others, and I will stand by you.
ALWAYS. Beyond disappointed that we (other people in the USF community) allowed this shit to happen. I want to be proud of my college and the community I spent those years in, but we have a long way to go. So many things I wish I could change about the time I spent there.
including, but not limited to: using my privilege and positions to speak up about racism, sexism, sexual assault, peer pressure and bullying.
Also, universities and sororities/fraternities are *businesses* whose sole purpose is to suck as much money from young, naive and helpless students (like I was) as they possibly can. Fuck my degree that taught me nothing, fuck the sorority I joined that brainwashed teenagers, and
fuck the adult “advisors” who knowingly and willingly perpetuated the useless systems that put us all into thousands of dollars in debt. Lastly, FUCK those RAPISTS and the lack of accountability and respect that come from so many fraternity organizations.
You can follow @s_cutti.
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