non-jewish people conflating jewish existence with israel’s existence is in and of itself antisemitic because it displays a fundamental inability to grasp jewish identity beyond incontrovertibly tying it to an apartheid state that was constructed with imperial interests in mind
with israel set to go full steam ahead on further prosecuting cultural genocide in palestine to the fullest extent within only a few days, just remember that anybody who accuses you of being antisemitic for opposing apartheid ultimately only see jewish people as convenient pawns
the veil dissolves when you try to propose what imperialists pushed out of the mainstream discourse: "what about a single, equal state, equally representing both/all ethnicities?" as opposed to the carefully-constructed, declawed concept fundamental to the "two-state solution"
at that point, israel isn't the "multicultural (lol) beacon of democracy (lol)" they profess it to be. suddenly, israel is the only defense against the brainless, hyperaggressive, monolithic arab mass that supposedly hope to slaughter every last person they can get their hands on
what got intently cut out of the discourse was the fact that the "one-state solution"— a position which today is viewed as part of the "anti-zionist" camp— was once the default "zionist" position for most jewish people seeking a safe place to exist, as recently as 80 years ago
the "two-state solution" came about in the name of "pragmatism"— "one day they can coexist perhaps, but right now, circumstances aren't permitting". and once it won in the mainstream, the entire concept of peaceful co-existence— now or ever— was finally excised from the equation
in 1970, you would have some plausible deniability when justifying your faith in "two states". you have no such excuse now. "two states" is *solely* contingent on the idea that discrete ethnicities— not just jewish and arab people— are fundamentally incapable of co-existing
i can excuse some belief in the so-called "two-state solution" as being the remainder of naive belief in the "pragmatic" "path to peace" in the middle east, but past that fact, it is undeniable that any "two-state solution" is merely sterilized ethnonationalism
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