I really be editing my raw pics on my free time and most times it really validates how multitalented i am. Everything i put effort and energy into is pretty dope, but I've always dimmed my light to make others feel good/better about themselves. One of the reasons i don't have
many people I call friends.
(Realizing as i write) I've always been the Supportive and ride or die friend, loyal to the core, to a fault. I've had to let many 'friendships' go because reciprocation and genuine support wasn't the common thread.. hmm..
They say you attract what you are, but i really believe that my light and energy/vibe attracts a lot of different people .... some come with expectations, some with preconceived ideas about who or what they think i am or should be, others wants and agendas and the few who i call
a friend, have simply been authentic and truly genuine, even if they did come with an agenda, they stated it.
Regardless, each connection has taught me in depth and i take my lessons with love.
The point of this thread... is to state that I have decided to no longer hide myself and my skills or gifts from anyone because of their own insecurities or negative intentions or opinions.
Being authentic and transparent is not easy when you aren't healed/healing, but if you can acknowledge it, you're halfway there.
Experiences make you who you are but they do not define you.
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