I never argue with high-quality Hitch, but also can we maybe stop just...refurbishing the same five or six films every few years? https://twitter.com/dawnofthediscs/status/1277629942897967104
Yes, Vertigo is pretty. Yes, Psycho is a masterpiece. We all know this. How about some love for Shadow of a Doubt? Secret Agent? Downhill?
The Ring? Sabotage?

Or, if you want American Hitch, how about Suspicion? Mr. and Mrs. Smith? Saboteur? Torn Curtain? Family Plot?
Or, you can try to convince us, as Truffaut attempted, that Beyond Capricorn is actually a Good Film (it is not, but it does have some good stuff in it).
Someday, I shall force @KarenMPeterson to record a Hitchcock episode wherein I explain why Vertigo is boring and why we shouldn't listen to anything Truffaut says.
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