Callout time guys. This guy has been passive aggressively accusing me of being a bad person for over a year now and I’ve finally had enough. I am now going to give the full story of my encounter with Thomas54 Productions. So early last year, when YouTube-
messages were still a thing, this guy sent me a friend request. I accepted and thought nothing of it. This guy then proceeded to spam me with messages for 3 days straight, I got annoyed and I unfriended him. He lost his mind and attacked me and friends in the comment-
section of a few of my videos. He also made several hate videos towards me, in which he threw around a TWR Rheneas and pretended it was me. His original account ended up terminated, otherwise I would drop a link to it. Something I do have a link to however is a stream-
in which I blocked one of his friends who had also been rude to me. He once again began sending hateful messages, but I was smart enough to screen share the messages to the stream. Here’s a link to said stream: . After this stream his account was-
terminated and I thought that was the end of it. Turns out I was wrong, as he made a new account and began commenting on my videos again. Only now he claimed he was sorry and that he wanted to be forgiven. I was foolish and accepted his apology, and things went well for-
a while. Then I found out that he had went back and found some of my old tweets (they’ve since been deleted) and tried to use them to turn people against me. I also discovered that he has been telling the story of our encounter but changing up the details/leaving out-
details to try and make himself seen in the wrong. And then he has the audacity to say that I make him unhappy? That was the final straw. If any of you want more details then feel free to DM me. Thomas54, if you’re reading this, I’ll be more than happy to take this thread-
down if you’d like to talk things out and apologize for some of the shit you’ve put me through. Thanks 😊 -RP
You can follow @RheneasProduct1.
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