Eczema is actually a symptom of omega-6 deficiency, there are two ways such a deficiency can occur

1. Not consuming adequate PUFA in the diet, this is extremely uncommon but possible

2. Excess oxidation of PUFAs preventing them from being used by the body, which is most likely
Oxidation can occur outside the body in cases of poor storage or high temps used in cooking (a common issue with restaurant food), but in many cases the oxidation occurs within the body

Fatty acid oxidation is used by the body to create inflammation and fight off infection
When omega-6 fats aren't able to be used effectively in the body it indicates that the body is either fighting off chronic infection or baseline inflammation is dysregulated as a result of triggers like sugar, pesticides, wheat/corn/soy, etc
If chronic infection/inflammation is present consuming NAC, zinc, copper, selenium, vitamins C + E, and sunlight is helpful

Choline, serine, and inositol are also important as they fuel production of phosphatidyls which help prevent fatty acid oxidation
This is a more detailed explanation of how fatty acid oxidation works
This is a good overview of inflammation and how to manage it
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