Another baby post, sorry, I just needed to share my gratitude.

Meet Heather Dill.

She delivered my baby!

Here she helping my wife deliver in the back seat, and here she is holding Thor three days later. This is the story of her heroism. 1/10
Heather is a close friend and fellow student. She is a rising MS3. We asked her to watch our toddler when my wife went into labor.
1:30 my wife says her back kinda hurts
1:40 we decide its contractions and start timing them
1:54 we call Heather to come get our toddler

2:06-2:17 Heather arrives and puts my son in her car. While getting my wife into our car her water breaks, she says, "I can feel the head, get Heather!"

*pause* Heather is an MS3, but before med school she was an EMT in Las Vegas for 19 yrs, she was paramedic supervisor too
The back of my car was full of baby car seats. Heather laid my wife down in the back of HER OWN CAR. The baby was crowning. Heather asked if we wanted to deliver in the parking lot and wait for an ambulance, or drive to the hospital now. We decided to leave right away.

2:18 Heather took over. I drove and called the hospital, Heather did all the important stuff in the back with my wife. The baby's head was out before we left the parking lot.
2:22 the baby was born in the back seat
2:26 we arrived at the hospital.

Afterwards, Heather takes our toddler to her house to play with her kids. She and her husband pull apart their back seat and wash it down.

Then, like a BOSS, she calmly sits back down to study for her exam this Thursday. 6/10
I just really want to thank Heather for being there and being trained. I don't know what we would have done without her, if had been just me and my wife in the parking lot. Thank you Heather for being the first hands to welcome my son into the world.

Thank you Heather for sacrificing your back seat to be the birthing bed. Thank you Heather for using your medical knowledge to bless someone in need.

It was the 14th baby Heather, as a paramedic, has delivered in a moving vehicle. First one ever in the back of a sedan.

Heather got credit for the birth in the EMR. The fun thing is that Heather wants to be an OBGYN. I don't know how many rising MS3s can say they've delivered 14 babies. Any OBGYN residencies ( #obgyntwitter ) would be lucky to have her for that reason and more.

Thank you Heather. My wife and I are forever grateful. You're a hero. 10/10

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