So this meeting is moving to the action item now. The Board is looking toward metrics to decide how they'd make a local pandemic response.

Big point: the area isn't getting as bad of case increases as other areas, but officials need to focus on hospital capacity.
Rackow says it's not a black and white answer.... but suggests, going forward, the Board talks with hospitals weekly about what's happening to make their decision.
Some talk about assisted living facilities. Rackow, director of East ID Pub Health, says workers coming back into facility could infect residents when they're a- or pre-symptomatic.

There isn't a clear line for if and when they'd levy more restrictions.
Corbett: I think we need to give people metrics that we're trying to use ... we'd like people to implement certain things before we get to a point where we're at the eject button where we need to do something (because hospitals seeing influx of patients)
Bryon Reed says he recognizes the damage caused by shutdowns, and says "there's a fine line here we need to manage."

If necessary, though, he'd like to see the board take measures to protect public health.
The Health District just showed a draft of what the Board could do under different pandemic scenarios. Samples of metrics that indicate how bad things are and the measures they could take associated with it:

(They're about to show another scenario[s])
Last half of that draft of how the Board could respond to the pandemic. ... NOTE: this is just a draft, and not anything they are necessarily doing or have voted on:
Woah. This is interesting. East Idaho Pub Health says the Board could implement mandatory face mask wearing. Corbett says that's in lieu of closing the economy. He notes that "people don't like it and the compliance is low."
Some back and forth there. Bryon Reed mentions making businesses wear masks. Corbett says enforcement is difficult for both. He also adds that this would only be for when people are within 6 feet of others.
This is a big topic here. The Board is considering this:
- Moving mandatory masks in public to YELLOW
- Moving mandatory masks in businesses to ORANGE

Logic here: biz can force customers to wear masks before entering, but the order for in public is hard to enforce.
Last tweet in this thread. I asked them if they got any guidance from the state about mask-wearing mandates.

Geri Rackow, director of Eastern Idaho Public Health, said no.

Filing story now! More to come.
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