Imagine still advertising, at this point, that you're too stupid to know how the electoral college works.

Imagine being upset that someone in a blue state had the integrity not to vote for a Wall St imperialist who spent the last months of her campaign ignoring NoDAPL protests.
Imagine trying to shame a Black woman for not voting for someone who called her people "super predators," supported the death penalty,& argued that a $15 minimum wage was a bridge too far.

Imagine thinking that ur entitled to police my vote like the Clintons policed my freedoms.
Imagine thinking that 4 years after 88k Black voters in a swing state declined to vote in '16 after voting in '12, self righteously acting like you care more abt what happens to this country than they do, & shaming them instead of asking why they feel so checked out of the system
Imagine fixing your twitter fingers to perpetuate false narratives about why Hillary lost instead of working to ensure the Democratic party doesn't lose again by recognizing the Democratic Party's mistakes.
Imagine thinking this is going to end well for you.
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